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Photobucket Thursday, April 15, 2010 Photobucket

ok finally updating my blog.
this year loads of stuff happens.
good or bad? depends on how u perceive things.

up to university stage but no university student feel
i dun even feel motivated to study at all
been playing throughout
BUT i was glad tat i passed my prelims
maybe counted most of it?
one not out yet

being like free these few months
coz my daddy been overseas most of the days
like i hardly see him around?
so like have all the time in the world to play?
but that's bad right?
i'm so bloody lazy nowadays
dun even feel like walking around at home?
but had fun when i'm out with frens
went ofr tanny birthday party
had great fun
but keeps me thinking
should i even celebrate my birthday?
i'm going 21 n still no plans for future yet?
starting to believe tat future is an uncertain intangible thing
something tat people dunno yet can't feel for it
only panicking for it?
nah i shall not n let future behold n unveil itself!!
yup this is a post without pictures
coz i'm PLAIN LAZY
plus plus plus
insomnia for 4 nights in a row is no joke
trying hard to study but insomnia!
hope exams i can make it

anyway people wanna celebrate my birthday with me can start choosing dates n let me know
got 19may onwards till 23may :)

written at 6:20 PM

Photobucket Friday, January 01, 2010 Photobucket

It's a new year-->2010
It's the first day or rather the first hour of a new year
i SHALL blog!!!!

November n december was hectic months for me
i've been busy tying myself down with
1. school
2. work
3. dar
BUT! i did make effort to meet up with friends though
like dearest baobei serhui
we're meeting like almost every week
updating each other with our life
chit chatting

december the month of giving
n dar was giving in to me for the past one month
like totally
n i really felt the depth of his love for me
n yes i did felt sweet
before christmas he brought me to orchard
we took photos of christmas trees
n there was this huge christmas tree outside orchard
n inside of the tree were hanging crystals
VERY beautiful!!!!!
took a pic to admire it
but my phone can't upload to the comp :S
the cranky usb thingy again

Christmas eve
he brought me out walking around
watched avatar a nice nice show!
though we just had mos burger for dinner
but deep down inside i was truely happy

Christmas was spent at home accompanying papa n jiejie
we were watching Gong xin ji together
but i'm tired of following dramas
but they're nice shows though
watched shows the whole day
msging dar

the last two days of 2009:
30th dec
-went for class
-sat in the car TQ drove -->it was not bad for a new driver! :)
-had swensen's with serhui n TQ
-dar came to pick me up HEHE

31st dec
-met dar after his project
-walked around hougang mall
-dar accompany me to wait for them n he did sweet sweet things
it's the small little acts that dar does tat i really will feel touched
while waiting for sh n tq we went for some desserts
n he wanted chocolate snow ice while i wanted mango pomelo
but we wanted to share a serving
so since i'm fine with snow ice i said just order chocolate
n afterall went he took the dessert over
he actually ordered the mango pomelo instead of the snow ice
i'm happy n touched! HEHE
dar's really so cute at times
n he kept saying that my friends are gonna abduct me for the day again
even on the last day of 2009 i'll get kidnapped by them LOL!

-shopped velocity with serhui n TQ
-met yunlu for steamboat n jessie came thereafter
-had fun n laughter
-but felt guilty deep down inside for many reasons
-tried taking the circle line on the last day of 2009 (a big milestone!)
-sat n drank bubble tea. playing daidee, n chit chatting
-laughing a a NICE fart yunlu did
-happily left for home with dar chatting with me on the phone

lastly, at the last few minutes i concluded that 2009 was a rough year for me
but thanks to those people that made my 2009 happy
of coz these people are my family, dar, my uni classmates. n my beloved friends
n i can say this year i've tried many times to make things right for me
be it success or failure i accepted the results
thus i do not have any regrets for the year :)

LAst but not least my resolutions for 2010:
1. try my best to get an A for POA
2. try to pass ALL my subjects i definitely do not wan a repeat!
3. try to live the life that dar will not be with me coz of his NS i believe i can get through tat
4. get closer with my family i dun wan such a distant relationship with them
5. be more happy, not happiness given from anybody but purely happiness that comes out from within myself
6. make MORE friends!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE!!! a new a a new start!

written at 12:58 AM

Photobucket Wednesday, November 25, 2009 Photobucket

ok i know its long since i've updated my blog.
so yeps finally i'm updating!
i'm too lazy!!
during october i went to clarke quay with dar
we sat on the steps looking at the river n looking at the sunset chatting
nice sunset n nice chat

of coz i can't resist but take the photo of dar!!

n opposite us was the dunno wat ride thingy
n somebody went to take n we just sat by watching
it's freaking high
so if i'm up there i think i might have fainted!

high up somemore!

had chats n stuff

in the past month oso went to wild wild wet with jie jon n dar
coz jie has the 1for1 ticket
n yeps my whitening project is back to square one
omg... i wan fairer skin
but on the way home dar was too tired that he slept on my shoulder
n so i looked out of the windows n find myself memorized looking at the clouds
somehow i love to look at clouds

but its black clouds tat i saw that day
that made me think alot of the bad things tat happened to me
n yes i'm glad i'm over those things n they dun bother me anymore!

coming to november:
i went for threading for the first time of my life with jomaine
n den she came over with anna to my house
we had fun with my dearrest xian xian didn't see her for months

she still loves me n i know tat!! hehe
coz she was so happy seeing me
n she just happily lied in my arms on the floor
SO HAPPY!! but i miss her now!

next up!!!
me n dar's re-celebration of our anniversary
coz that time our anniversary didn't really celebrate due to time n money constraint
this time dar slept over the previous night
though something unhappy happened in the morning
but i guess its part n parcel of our relationship
at least now dar knows my limits??
den we headed to bugis
i saw the CHIPMUNKS poster!!
n of coz dar helped me take a photo

do u see my new boyfriend in the pic? the one standing beside me??
LOL seriously look like can!! but i still dunno. whoever is he?
just some poster i guess.

den we had our usual "special event" neoprint session
n both of us are so happy with the result for the neoprint
coz we love it alot alot alot!
can be seen down there:
friends said: looked so sweet n bliss! HEHE XD

realised this white toy in all the photos???
yes!!! its from dar
dar played this kiap toys de arcade machine thingy at iluma
n he managed to get the toy
n he didn't play it before!!
hehe so happy when i saw the toy drop into the hole for us to get it
i was jumping around the place la
so of course i took it with me in the neoprints as some form of memory
its so damn cute!!! HEHE XDXDXD

cute rite???
lastly 21 December me n dar went to marina square for some getaway from our busy lifestyle
we watched a christmas carol in 3D
it was first experience of 3D movies for both of us

n the movie was great!!!
it really feels like snow falling right in front of u
n most importantly:
the movie is good

these few days have been spending too much money
feeling a little guilty
shall be more frugal in the coming month!!!
things i bought this week:
-1 doggie pouch
-1 romper
-1 F21 dress!!
n all these costs a bomb!!!
HEARTACHE!!!!! self control LI YING!!!
n today spent on movies again watched 2012 with dar
the movie's good! but the scary thing is:
i've dreamt the exact same thing that will happen to the world few years back
so i was in a rather big shock when i was watching it
so familiar....
met baobei serhui after the movie at vivo ate chatted shopped around
i guess everybody will have their attachment woes
but really seriously baobei!!! i love ur attachment!!!
lastly things that i thought clearly n new realisations in my life:
-Happiness must be found by yourself n not reliant on others.
-I want a world tat was decided n control by myself n not a world tat others wans from me or made for me! (hint wat i saying is about some frens)
-I've found my own happiness n found a world tat i love to!
-I'm now reliant on myself to make the world tat i wanted!
glad for me?? my GOOD frens?
And BAOBEI serhui:
dun worry for me la. I'm a li ying that has been reborn after the bad times
I'll not be the weak li ying that i used to be
i'll fight for my own happiness!!!
n I wun let people that are out to make me upset get their way!
those people i'll show them tat the more they wanna make me feel upset the more i'll be happy
coz that only shows how pathetic they are as they will only be happy out of someone's misery??
sorry!! i'm not tat girl tat U all think can get me DOWN!
watever u all are thinking i dun care i dun bother!
watever u all keep on doing i dun care n i dun bother!
COZ it's seriously none of my business

written at 10:08 PM

Photobucket Monday, October 26, 2009 Photobucket

Yesterday was our 2nd year anniversary!!
wow! it's been two years, 104weeks, 730days since we're together!!!
can't imagine it...
of coz dar came to pick me up at my house
n i happily dilly dallied until he msg say he's already waiting for quite some time
den i just replied wait la
n he still replied say today must mei mei
LOLx!! my cute dar dar
met him downstairs n took bus down to bugis
n he accompanied me to have my favourite Zam Zam!

the murtabak. opps! half eaten already

the chicken masala

after food we just randomly walked around
shopped haji lane
n next stop was iluma


saw this super cute hat n made dar to wear it
n he looks so cute in it!

at the arcade the two cartoon characters!
just nice these two are my favourite!!

n dar oso took a photo

n we shared a cup of yoghurt oreo ice cream

n me!!! made him wait outside while i slowly tidy myself up

walked n chatted alot
really had lots of fun until our horror came
tried soup spoon
n this is it

dar's pumpkin soup

my clam chowder

my ham n cheese sandwich

dar's mushroom sandwich

us on the way home
was very very happy for the day...
2years together liao
alot of things happened
happy, sad, jealousy, anger
all these is wat i think love is
glad that we went through all these hand in hand
message to dar:
dar no matter u're rich or poor
u are still u,
the one i love is still u.
u dun need to feel guilty when we can't celebrate well
i'm happy even if we just have food court or hawker centre
coz the most important one is the person eating with me right?
i dun need u to know how to drive or have a car
coz taking the public transport we can chat n hug while ur attention is on me
i dun need u to be good looking or watsoever
coz i'm not tat good looking either
n most importantly i dun wan n wish to see other girls ogling at u
n dun always apologize to me coz of ur flaws which i will be angry about
coz who doesn't have flaws
i'm not perfect either
as long as i can see n feel ur efforts in improving i'll be happy enough
plus i love u for who u are,
ur good ur bad
i'm happy enough to just be there with u as long as ur attention is on me
n all i ever wanted was just me n u to be happy
like yesterday just walking down the street hand in hand chatting was bliss for me
n lastly happy 2nd year
i love u alot alot!!

written at 11:05 PM

Photobucket Monday, October 19, 2009 Photobucket

today had my usual work
just tat today super no mood to go work
reasons being:
1. feeling unwell
2. very sleepy
but still dragged my lazy bum to work
during break called dar
n he was like "where are u"
me: "at work, now just break?"
dar: "just nice i meet u at long john silver"
den i'm totally shocked
wasl ike wat u doing here for?
he came den he gave me two sets of french toast
my favourite bread!!
he made one for jie too
went up to pass jie
n den walked around with him while eating
HEHE so touched.
sometimes it's the small little things tat makes me happy
i dun need you to be rich to get me material stuff
a small simple one i'll be satisfied

written at 10:40 PM

Photobucket Sunday, October 18, 2009 Photobucket

today wakie very early
coz we're going escape to play today!!
jie's birthday month we've got a one for one ticket
max can buy 2 free 2
so of coz the two couples went together
everybody met on the bus
had ya kun at white sands
n we strolled to escape
luckily it didn't rain today!!
n luckily i brought my sun block with me
n YES!!! i didn't get tanned this time
first ride of the day: go kart
while queueing for our turn
us with the neat hair n stuff

second ride of the day:
pirate ship
jie n jon sat opposite us
n jon after a while wanted to puke
i can understand
but it was fun!!!

favourite game, all-time favourite was: wet n wild
it was fun seeing them getting wet
n fun hearing dar swearing when he got wet
but hey i'm the one sitting behind that got wetter than him!
second round of wet n wild dar sat behind
this time he got ultra wet
n of coz can hear him swearing
but the funniest thing of all is his leg hair!!!
can't explain but that was really funny!!!
took the superman ride to dry ourselves
went for haunted house
n this time i can see
coz the last few times can't see anything due to night blindness
should i be happy or sad?
happy coz my night blindness is improving?
or sad coz i really got scare like crazy inside
n the happy thing is: dar got scare not by the haunted house
but by me inside!
LOL that's really funny
i'm scary???!!!

n next sat the everytime super boring wheel thingy
but this time it was nice sitting inside
had our er ren shi jie
n taking photos inside!

den jie's so engrossed or rather addicted to go kart
we sat the doubles n singles once before leaving
the photo of the day--> us

yup we had fun
'n it can be seen on our faces!!
next up the doubles go kart
first time dar drove me
which scare me!!
so second time i drove him

n he said i was driving super safely
but jie drove the go kart
was super scary!!
even jon got scare by her
coz she dun bother left or right just chiong!!!
n yep the last round of singles i was almost knocked by her but caused me to knock the side of the track
n yes it hurts!!
that crazy driver!!
omg really gonna pray hard she doesn't learn driving!!!
after escape me n dar had cupwalker n old chang kee while walking back to white sands
n den home sweet home
all of us are tired out already, but fun n happy day! :)

written at 11:19 PM

Photobucket Sunday, October 11, 2009 Photobucket

met dar at hougang after getting my phone a screen protector
that blur king is late again!!!
sat there n waited for him at the taxi stand
he treated me to my favourite japanese ramen at the food court... :)
den we headed to PS
went walking around coz there isn't any show for us to watch
playing at spotlight :)
it was fun
n at the section of cosplay
we saw these hats
thus we took one each

looks very retro lehz
den off we go to far east
had our newest addiction-->shilin's oyster meesua

n of coz he was enjoying it
n feeding me
tat moment felt so bliss
coz he fed me every single mouth n slowly waiting for me to slurp up all the meesua from the spoon :)

of coz we had our fun day
see our smiles

off we went home!!! HEHE

written at 11:06 PM


today had work early in them orning
drag the sick body to work
luckily today can dun teach le :)
coz i lost my voice
after work
went back compass to eat lunch n then
n luckily when i traded in my phone
the spoilt phone worked!!!!
so managed to deduct some money away
so i paid lesser
n even managed to buy a memory card
plus today that outlet having promo
jet today was not $348 anymore
it was $298
saved 50 bucks lehz!
bought my phone walked around with dar
n den back to his home
sebas came thereafter
had pizza for dinner
dar n sebas sent me off :)
i got my phone!!!!!!!!

written at 12:24 AM

Photobucket Saturday, October 10, 2009 Photobucket

finished my poa assignment today...
BUT the damn thing is the balance sheet can't balance
n after checking i still can't find any errors
coz all numbers are in both balance sheet n profit &loss already

after doing assignment went down to clarke quay to meet dar after his work
he was very happy to see me :)
coz i've been sick for long n couldn't meet him
finally today was feeling MUCH better XD
n of coz i brought my assignment
to get help from the accounting student --> DAR DAR
but he read thru n really can't find any errors!!
so nvm hand in to teacher balance sheet that can't balance lo :(((((((((

had my favourite food from the food court at central
n of coz sat at the riverside view la
nice view there
n we decided where we should go for dinner on our 5th year anniversary
chatted of coz in my half-back voice
ya in that very man n sexy voice of mine :((((((
walked around
took a stroll beside the singapore river
watched the people taking the bungee jump thingy at clarke quay
was damn scary!!!
n told dar that i can't take tat :((((
next headed to my favourite japanese store at the basement
dar bought me my favourite expensive jelly!!!
so touched!!
n i bought myself pasta sauces so tat i can make pasta for myself at home :D:D:D
headed home thereafter
had a happy n lovely night
dar is treating me nicer day after day
which made me love him more!! HEHE

that day both of us were talking abt monthly anni
was saying we could take some effort to celebrate some monthly anniversary once in a while
but he said nope
coz he wanted the yearly anni
coz he said it would be of more importance in our hearts
n it would be a more special day to celebrate :D:D
n yup i agreed to that
n YAY our 2nd year anni is coming real soon
hope dar dar likes my present for him

written at 12:13 AM

Photobucket Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Photobucket

*editted just in case it causes misunderstanding
after taking a long break from blogging
i decided to blog
was too lazy to blog though

for the past one whole month
was busy with school
work n accompanying dar
coz he's gonna work soon n will have lsser time together le :(

was busy with work twice a week
kel kel is now my colleague le
coz i recommended her to come over to teach too
she's doing great i guess

though i'm busy but will still find time for dar la

we had movies this week n stuff
but the sad thing was on mid-autumn festival it was raining
so we didn't get to 'play' fire
school was now hectic for me
though my schedule is quite alright
but i'm busy nonetheless
tues:12 - 3
wed: 8.30-3
fri: 12-3
n yup i will try to find time to accompany dearest baobei serhui
n find time to meet kel kel
but the sadest thing is
i can't really meet kel kel coz either i'm working she's free
or she's working i'm free
or we need to go sch...
have not met her for few thousands years le :(
k i know its exageratting but its really been long since we last met
n i didn't meet serhui for very long too
now feel like i neglected so many people le :(
n yes i didn't see my beloved xian xian for 3 weeks already

tat was her n her soft toy
i put it on her back n she couldn't find it
so cute la
i'm now down with a horrible flu with sore throats n runny nose n fever
i will get well soon to take pics of my new hairstyle!!
n yup i'm having bangs now
n i will get well soon to go buy my new phone samsung jet!!!
the phone has ALMOST the same functions as omnia 2 but got chinese language function.
n it perfectly omits those windows function tat i dun need in omnia2
GOOD GOOD satisfied

written at 9:37 PM

Photobucket Wednesday, September 16, 2009 Photobucket

these two days had been packing my house
clearing my clothes
clearing my study table
n clearing my bags
had the sense of accomplishment when i see things so neat
n dar was motivated by me to clear his room

when i reach his house yesterday
was totally shocked
coz he didn't clear his room la
only chucked things here n there
thus helped him to clear his stuff
n now his room is a big contrast
half which is his side of the room super neat n clean
the other half was his bro's side was super really SUPER messy n dirty
even his mom see liao oso headache
cleared dar's clothes as well
n folded everything nicely for him
at the end of the day
both of us was totally tired out
headed home at night

meeting dar today to watch movie!!!

written at 1:03 PM

Photobucket Wednesday, September 09, 2009 Photobucket

went cycling with jie n friends
on the bus to east coast we were busy taking photos

actually kalai was trying to take me jo n her
but due to the fact that we can't aim properly
we can't really take a proper photo
n throughout the bus journey we were laughing loudly on the bus
a little paiseh lehz
when cycling there
the rest was cycling too slow
thus me n kalai cycled in front first
n the next thing we knew was the rest was out of sight
thus we stopped by the bedok jetty

uber windy n sunny there
enjoyed the breeze n we cycled back
then we spotted this sandcastle there

WOW! nice
n beside it was a real castle

den leona went missing coz we stopped by to play with a puppy
jie went to find leona while we went to find jomaine
coz while finding leona jomaine went missing too
next i found jomaine
n was calling jie
n kalai took snapshot!

lastly we found everybody n headed to the bedok jetty for photo taking

n we stopped by a food centre there for some ice kachang n strawberry cocktail thingy
tasted so nice
coz all of us were uber warm

ended the cycling at 5pm
went to wash up n headed off
our limbs were total numb-ness
n only me n jie had this type of sunburn


on the bus we decided to head to chomp chomp for dinner
but leona wanted to go home
so left the four of us

walked in from yio chu kang
while walking n chatting

had alot of different food for the night
n after a sumptous meal
we headed home
tired beat!!

written at 12:37 PM

More about me



Li Ying aka firefly(:
24 May 1989
lovesss :D
stay happy


[ ] A Pink Nikon coolpix Digital Camera (S60/S620/S560)
[ ] A new MP3
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[ ] everybody around me to stay xin fu
[ ] wan xian xian and dar dar to be with me forever

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